180469 > ICR "PLUS" Innovative and Collaborative Research Grant “PLUS” in Neuroscience 2024 "ICR GRANT PLUS"
NeuroMarseille institute wishes to promote scientific exchanges, encourage the emergence of new collaborative projects within Marseille’s neuroscience community and to support technical platforms. The institute constitutes a component of Aix-Marseille University (AMU) supported by AMIDEX funding. The use of funding is therefore governed by AMIDEX financial rules and subject to evaluation. In this context, NeuroMarseille institute opens this call titled “Innovative and Collaborative Research Grants “PLUS” in Neuroscience”, in order to promote collaboration between people involved in Neuroscience research (see “Applicants” below) willing to start new innovative and high-quality projects in collaboration with a technical platform. This grant will support operating cost for the project (see eligible expenses) and the purchase of new equipment for the platform in order to offer new and/or better tools for the success of the project. This equipment must be useful for a larger use beyond the described project.
Each project will be granted up to 20 k€ (over a period of 12 months) for the research part (same criteria as for the ICR Grant). Then, an extra envelope up to 15 k€ will be added to allow the purchase of equipment for the platform.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants: Personnel belonging to Research Units (UMR) affiliated to NeuroMarseille can answer this call, including: Researchers (CR, MCU, DR, Pr, PU), Engineers (AI, IE, IR), as well as post-docs and PhD students. Projects must involve at least two Partners who do not belong to the same UMR The platform must be a NeuroMarseille one! In case of a collaboration with one or more partner(s) not belonging to NeuroMarseille, the funding of the “scientific part” will only be half of the maximum allocation. In case of a collaboration involving 2 NeuroMarseille partners and one or more partner(s) not belonging to NeuroMarseille, the allocation will remain whole.
Personnel who obtained a NeuroMarseille Collaborative Research Grant in 2023 is not eligible. Only one application to a 2022-NeuroMarseille’s grant per candidate
Research program: The research program must be particularly innovative and should not represent the continuation of an ongoing project. Priority will be given to novelty and innovation; preliminary data are therefore not compulsory. The evaluated criteria will be the program feasibility (equipment, collaborations, personnel involved, etc…), the scientific quality of the project as well as scientific quality of the participating teams, with a special focus on their complementarity.
Eligible expenses: A detailed budget must be attached to the project proposal following the tables given on the Application form. Eligible expenses for the “scientific part” include: operating costs, undergraduate traineeship grants if needed and small equipment for the running of the project. All expenses must be engaged by the 1rst of december 2024 Eligible expenses for the “PLUS part” (platform part) are exclusively to finance or co-finance the purchase of a piece of equipment (either a single piece of equipment or a sum of materials making up a single piece of equipment - no "kits" used as consommable) that can be used by several teams.
Application modalities
Submission: The project submission deadline is November 12, 2023 at 23:59. Applicants must use the Application Form provided below.
Evaluation: The Scientific Committee, composed of NeuroMarseille’s neuroscientists with the possible support of national experts, will evaluate and select the projects. The evaluations will be sent by e-mail to the applicants by the end of December, 2023.
Terms of engagement: it is mandatory to mention the support of NeuroMarseille in all scientific publications and communications in relation with the project: This work has received support from the NeuroMarseille Institute thanks to the French government under the Programme "Investissements d'Avenir", Initiative d'Excellence d'Aix-Marseille Université via A*Midex funding (AMX-19-IET-004), and ANR (ANR-17-EURE-0029). The grantees involved in the project will have to provide a scientific report by the end of the financial period and could have to present their findings (even if the project is not finished) during events organized by NeuroMarseille. In addition, they can be asked to be part of the next Scientific Committee.
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